Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Total BS! Lamest recruitment thread of the week #2



Anonymous said...

The thread is pretty damn lame, and the guild it's self isn't even established yet(lol?). What to he expect out of this?

I will give him props though, his guild could be pretty fun if done correctly though.

Grimthorn said...
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Grimthorn said...

fucken i cant spell worth shit this morning, sorry.


.... or they could possibly get totally raped when people find out who they are and what they are about. Srsly, clans talk between each other, these guys will have one single character on the server like everyone else, there is accountability in Darkfall, they will be found out and labelled anathema ASAP. Even if they make alternate characters with multiple accounts, its only a matter of time.

I wish them luck.


Anonymous said...

Sup Grim, this is your number one fan.

You're thinking on a way to linear level. If this guild ends up with like 8 members, they could easily be inside 4 guilds at once.

The whole structure behind this tactic would take so much coordination I doubt the OP has the ability to actually pull it off though.

I could go into detail, but why? I'd rather destroy those build guilds by humiliating them to the point the guild is so demoralized it falls apart.

I'm just saying, even though this recruitment thread is total trash, these guys could pull off some real worthy stories for you guys here at MOA. Because... as funny as it is to bash on recruitment threads, I know you guys can't wait to be doing some stories about in game drama.

Grimthorn said...

Who? Wait, I have fans? Since when?


I was expressing one aspect, which is why I started off with the phrase "...or they could possibly..." Actually, in this case, with this particular guy, what I said will be exactly what will happen.


I wont deny that everything you said has merit, of course, it does, they could do some pretty funny shit, if they were good. Its certainly possible, but thats a huge fucking BIG IF, there, bro.

Those kinds of underhanded tactics happen ALL THE TIME with guilds in these kinds of games, and Darkfall doesnt even need to be in release for it to happen (its happening right now). There are spies and trojan-lords (lawl) in clans all the time that come from rival clans, just noobs that put up a false facade, register to their forums, get accepted into a clan, and then they "wait to backstab" at some given opportunity where they can do some damage (peepz do this ALL the fucken time in EVE Online).

This all depends upon the target clan. If the clan is even worth its salt, these guys arent going to be able to hold up a facade unless they are extremely intelligent. Does the OP exhude such intelligence? Uhhhh.. How about... NO? ... lulz, and that is mainly why this recruitment thread is a joke.

ehhhh im going back to bed, tired.