Tasos announced earlier today the official release date for Darkfall, January 22nd 2009.
Most of us didn't expected 08 release anyway so I am happy with this news. Its a good sign that they are not rushing out the game and they are taking the time to make it almost perfect for release.
In this quote from Tasos, he said that EU server would be online before NA or at least that's the plan for now. So I am asking you today, will your clan stay on EU or move to NA servers once they are finally online?
Athens, Greece – December 5th, 2008 - Audio Visual Enterprises SA and Aventurine SA in a joint statement today announced that their highly anticipated MMORPG title Darkfall Online will launch across Europe on January 22nd, 2009. North American players are also welcome to participate in the European launch of Darkfall which will precede a North American launch.
More details to be announced as they become available.
We know that most of the serious clans out there want some good competition and they want a real challenge. After all, we have been waiting for this brutal PVP game for so long so we want some good fun and epic wars.

My entire clan is in Africa.
We want Africa server now.
When is Africa server open?
sorry for 2nd post.
fucking awesome countdown timer on ur blog, guys. I love that, now i can come here and obsess over lame shit like "time"
I think most NA players will re-roll.
Long Live Darkfall!
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