Everyone from MOA would like to wish to all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Since most of us are already in vacation, we won't have any update until at least the beginning of January. We are very happy of what we have done so far and we would like to say thank you to each of you who are supporting MOA. With the new year coming closer and closer we hope to accomplish our main goal for 2009, being the number one site with all the Politic information related to Darkfall Online.

Instant boner.
Happy Christmas, its good for getting random presents at least.
Hey TK why aren't you doing any more guild interviews? Is it because no one wants to talk to a retard?
Hiya troll.
You fresh from darkfall forumz i see.
trolling hath no limitations
Troll indeed, but TK is still a retard LOL!
When he linked the Wessex stuff from their public forum thinking he just "leaked" their most secret of secrets(proving he is a mouth breather to the MAX), then went on to post a wall of text no man would read unless they where as retarded or more retarded then TK himself.
Wessex is the largest collection of retards on the internet, Select Few would make a good sub guild, you'd fit right in.
and wut clan is youz?
Oh ur in Anvil Society, yesh?
Hiiiiiii noob :)
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