Quote from Hades-LotD:
LoD didn't even compete in AC1 on any level, so by your own standards you haven't done shit since UO since you are apparently dismissing shadowbane. We had a good alliance back in the day until your egos killed it by thinking you were hot stuff in those UO rankings, but in reality you all were simply point exploiting to get to the top.
In DAOC when the competition was there, LOD wasn't in the top 10 or 20. In Guild Wars, LOD wasn't in the top 500. In Fury LOD got lucky in the beta challenge, but in retail never got ranked at all. In AOC you guys were a speed bump as you were hunted for sport because you were no threat at all. The best LOD could do in AOC was forum war with another non factor guild in an attempt to be the best bottom feeder guild.
In Warhammer, LOD is a guild rank 20 guild which is respectable. But you only have 12 million renown, which means you got your guild rank more by farming mobs than players. You better pick up the PVP skillz because DF sounds a little more competitive than killing mob 1,2,3 to be l33t.
Other than UO where we were allies and SB where we were on different servers, LotD has proven superior in each of the rest of the games we've both played.
Take it to heart because whether we start DF on day 1 or a year after release, the end result will be the same for you chumps if you challenge us.
Oh god that's just too good to be true!!! Hades claimed that LoD doesn't have the skills to compete in Darkfall, lets see what LoD have to say about this !
Quote from [LoD] Capitulate :
This will be fun.
Those games you listed (except SB) weren't "official" LoD games. What that meant is that is wasn't mandatory for us to play them. I among others didn't play fury, WH, AOC, or daoc (DAOC because I wasn't part of LoD at the time).
I had a great time in SB convienently forgetting the bad times (waking up at 4am for a bane defense, massive lag and client crashes)
Anyway my point is that DF will be an official LoD game with all of us playing who don't have RL priorities and I look forward to the day where we once again establish ourselves as a top guild in the gaming community.
Lets hope LotD will be present in Darkfall, we will see a lots of actions that's for sure!

awesome site man!
its like DF forums but with funny commentary!
Its like forumfall without the gayness.
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