We are proud to announce that the very first Podcast from MOA is finally ready!
Thrill Kill did an excellent job and I am sure you guys will love it! Since its our first podcast a lots of things might change in the future but so far its looking good and you guys should love it.
Here's what TK think about UDA:
All in all, a solid clan. The leader is open about clan problems and misfortunes, as well as not being scared to talk about "controversial" issues that had occurred within his ranks. I don't get a strong sense of twitch based experience from them, but they do make up for it with harsh environment experience in MMOs.
MOA give this clan the success seal of approval!!!

Good luck UDA with your projects in Darkfall! And don't forget to go visit Darkfall Online Portal to discuss about this interview!!!
Podcast :
Lawl, i see the shitstorms are brewing ONCE AGAIN !!!
SF are weak ass players? Who is this, then? Please tell. These "weak ass players" will rape you in Darkfall and then you will come back to in-game forums and make up a fucking bullshit story full of lies about how we lost and you won. Thats the kind of person you are: FULL OF SHALLOW.
Now that is out of the way: Good job TK, that was quite neutral of you and I knew you had it in you to be balanced. You might wanna lower the volume of the intro music a bit, it can be a little distracting. (sounds like elevator music). Otherwise good job, i look forward to the months ahead.
First..Awesome interview. Moved along quickly and stayed interesting the whole time. 2 Thumbs Up!
Also, are you recording this with vent? You may want to get a free audio editing program( http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ ) to minimize gaps of silence in between question/answer and lower length / size of file. Obviously overkill for what this is but just suggestion.
Look forward to the next one.
Outstanding job TK. Dolmar great way to start off the Podcasts looking forward to seeing u in DF
Haha, I thought it was a good interview, atleast for a first. Kudos to Thrill and SF. (And to those UDA people)
Yeah, all you cowards are Anonymous, you dont even have enough ballz to show your forumfall identities? Srsly, you sure are separated from the real men: into the little boy category. Seriously.
So you stay safe behind your anonymity, mmk. You are safe, srsly. Yes, you are safe enough from SF, in your state of disassociation with reality.
Have a happy thanksgiving, and you make sure to thank gawd that you have the option to remain anonymous on google, lawl...
Thats my lil message from SF.
ahhhh... would like to add...
Ammon hereby awards you with the Fucking Carebear! Seal of Approval.
Congratulations !!!
"If you get this seal, you have no fucking clue in which game you are about to play. Little advice go back to your secure zone."
Seeing as you are already in ur anonymous secure zone, talking tough shtuff to SF, best that you dont step out of it, rly rly.
Now bugger off.
And happy turkey day. I sincerely have high hopes, all about you choking on a turkey bone and thereby dying IRL due to suffocation!
Lovely, amirite? :)
Here is a lil something for the bitch ass papaslop.
I posted this once and yet im doing it again.. Children beware
RevAcid =)
what up this is easye great job dolmar see you in vent uda for the win
interesting interview. Look forward to more down the road. I kind of feel like I heard 0 about the guild philosophy except for a snippet of information about PK'ing people in their own alliance.
Child Molestor however is a good find.
UDA are core players, strong allies, hardcore, and old school
I dropped many scrub guilds and wow schoolers along with some hardcore crews in AoC with UDA
Grim, you sound like you're around 12 years old. 'seriously', go back and reread your posts, it's pretty funny.
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