Well after a little investigation a member of Forumfall found more info about the Vagina Guard...
A thread made by Hades on LotD forum : Link
And some nice screen shots haha :

Guess what? Hades himself just posted and confirmed that VG are a non-factor guild. Nothing special here since they came from AoC haha.
Quote from Hades - LotD
Vagina Guard coming in here talking tough and acting like they did something worthwhile in a PVP game is amusing at best. When LotD was fighting Sinister+PFB+Hordes of Goohiem+Harm+Carnage+VG+Ice Gaming, etc all at the same time during the first few months of AOC, the Vagina Guard was virtually nowhere to be seen. We fielded 48 man battlegroups regularly the first 3 months of the game along with most of the other guilds I previously mentioned. Vagina Guard was never seen unless it was when we were running them out of a zone, or jumping on their corpses after ripping their faces off.
They roleplayed it up in one of the main AOC safe zones, they never initiated or participated in any siege against any real opponent, and were a non factor until after Warhammer launched and the server became a ghost town.
I'm sure they can brag about pushing around a few small guilds that were left, but that's about it. That cool Harm siege they brag about? Yeah that was after LotD and other guilds had worn down Harm's keep to virtually nothing, and they sneak in during the dead of night to ninja cap.
The record is clear when it comes to these clowns, and the record is that they don't have a record at all. LotD went unofficial when Warhammer launched on Sept 15th, and we stopped playing AOC a week before that. Past Redemption did burn our battlekeep right before we left when hardly any of us was playing, but that has about as much significance saying someone burned our house down after we had moved out.
As of now LotD has no intention of playing Darkfall until its launched and we can see if its going to survive. After Shadowbane, AOC, and other PVP games or servers dying off in less than 6 months we're simply taking a wait and see approach before putting in a lot of time and effort here.
Either way this thread is outrageous, and you can ask LotD, Sinister, Combine, Darkhand, and several other guilds and they will all tell you that these guys were a non factor. If they are trying to intimidate anyone here on their AOC record, then they are in deep trouble before the game servers are ever booted up.
Link : Message from The Varangian Guard
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