Come join our elite guild because we dont plan we wing it.
We recently had the chance to meet the almighty Warhawkz and his co-leader Lunai to talk about their famous clan Comitatus of Pactum. There's not much to say this time, I think the interview will reveal anything you guys always wanted to know.
Final Thoughts from TK :
I honestly approached this with an open mind, knowing I was about to talk to a newly formed guild. However, I cannot find reason to back off my open stance against people forming guilds and trying to lead players into a FFA world, with no actual prior FFA experience. I applaud the initiative, but see no foundation for this clan to build on.
MOA give this clan the Garbage seal of approval!

All I have to say is back in SWG like 3 people switched factions because the Imperial side was so big you couldn't find PvP. 2 of those guys formed a PA or Player Association(guild/clan) called Harbingers (-H-).
They recruited a few random names of interested PvPers who through talking proved he wasn't a tool, he ended up being one of the best melee fighters I seen in the game.
They recruited me after seeing I went rebel(the 3 of us didn't know each other very well prior besides I was leading my team of noob PvPers I was training at the time and we ran into these guys and the server ended up lagging and crashing because there was a huge faction base assault going on somewhere else. I called off my guys and it ended in me letting them live because we caught them off guard while they where still buffing).
Needless to say slowly we're up to our core 6 members, then we get in 6 more and we have a squad. Instant enter a war with the super power of the server, get raped while getting our 6 new members squared away because they forgot to buy shit(lol, they never done this before, but neither had I) then for the remain 3 battles we stomp people.
We become the PvP team on the Rebel side, there is another group being lead by a retard that got more attention then us for using an old guild name. A lot of people also didn't like the fact we only let a few select people into our groups who where not tagged.
My point is. We as a new found group of people who never meet before besides briefly in game sat down, organized shit built the perfect skill templates to assist each other recruited 6 breakaway from another guild and formed the most solid small PvP team I seen on that server. With only 1 jedi and 1 combat medic, what squads of an equal size would have 3 of each and almost everyone supporting one another it wasn't until full 20+ man squads using mez skills to lock out of combat and just kill people one at a time that we lost a battle for a long time.
The big difference here though between what CoP has going is we where established players in an already established game. When we moved into WoW and found out everyone was more or less a solo style player and being only about 20 members strong(8 people followed us from SWG to WoW who we invited to the guild to be tagged, more people from Starsider was on our WoW server then us we didn't even want in the guild, very selective) the guild broke up because of raid content, we had an alliance formed for molten core but they didn't hold up their end, we split up and moved into different guilds and eventually to different servers because Skullcrusher was full as fuck.
Honestly, if -H- was still around and banging, I would pretty much guarantee we would dominate this game, we where all some of the best gamers I ever played with, we dominated every game we stepped into as a group.. mmo, fps, and I think some of the guys got into rts.
We also hit rank 7 on the Guild Wars PvP weekend preview while only fighting in half as many battles as the people above us under the tag Harbingers of Evil [HOES]
Just saying don't write them off because of lack of experience in the game and their lack of playing together extensively.
- Makestro
Nice to see some tough questions asked rather than the usual circle jerk. Good interview and I hope to see more like it.
P.S. Lunai left AS when we didn't give him any slack for going emo after his dad threw a few beer bottles at his head. But hey, best of luck to him.
Congratz Tetsu you didn't linked any malware in your name!
Is it because people didn't bashed your guild this time?
I mean I could do that, but that load has already been blown. Whats with TSF and shit grammar btw?
It's not really annoying. It just makes you look dumb.
No, I think it is, indeed, annoying, because you complained about it in the first place. You cant fool me.
Thrill, I was fucking cringing half the time... them boyz are gonna get eaten. Hey, I could be wrong, but I dont think so. Here's how it's going to play out... they're gonna run off to their "secluded" spot. Some dudes who love to love the gank are gonna find them and nosh. I'm betting the guild collapses, absorbs into another guild, or they all quit. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking not. haha. Great interview!
Horrible interview. Seems you had it out for them from the get go. I mean of course some people will agree with you because they love to stroke your ego because you are a popular 'blogger', but hey i'm not one of those people.
I'm actually trying to figure out the entire point of that podcast. no bullshit, what was the point?
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